Friday, March 22, 2013

Daily Practice

My attempts to contact Gabriel have been a failure, both in terms of achieving noticeable results and  of perceiving the spirit's presence. I have not experienced any increase in my psychic abilities, nor have I achieved a lucid dream. I blame this mostly on myself. After a few days in a row without establishing contact, I allowed mundane life to distract me again. Plus for the past week I have been traveling with my family, who are not aware of my sorcerous aspirations, so I haven't really had an opportunity to do a lot of external Work.

The long and short of it is that I have allowed my regular practice to lapse. Again. I am fighting an uphill battle with myself to really make magic part of my lifestyle rather than something I do on the side. I don't expect to see much real transformation until I get serious about building up my ethereal muscles and opening my inner eye.

Inominandum, whose writings are serving as my primary textbook, recommends a daily practice that includes meditation, invocation, and offerings to the spirits. Ideally, I would also be trying to work some kind of practical enchantment at least once a week, both to serve as a benchmark for my progress and to make my life generally better.

Here's what I'd like my daily magical practice to look like:

- Wake up
- 20-minute meditation focusing on the breath
- Give thanks to God/Universal Consciousness, Christ, Buddha(s), Ancestors, local spirits, any other invisibles who've helped me out in the past
- Litany of Wellness*; at the end, when I'm emanating offerings, direct them to the specific beings I mentioned in the thanksgiving, as well as any spirits I might have offended

- Job
- Litany of Prosperity*
- Brief meditations and energy/subtle body exercises when I have time

- Pillar and Spheres (subtle body exercise from The Sorcerer's Secrets by Jason Miller)
- Invocation of the Divine; either the Bornless rite from TSS or a personalized call to the Highest that I am currently tinkering with
- Litany of Enchantment*

- Prayer/communion with Divine
- Litany of Wrath*
- 20-minute meditation on breath
- Sleep
- Occasional lucid dreaming in which I can do additional practice

It looks a bit daunting seeing it all laid out like that, especially knowing that all my practical enchantments, writing, socializing, and basic life necessities like eating and sleeping need to be squeezed in there as well. And as I may have mentioned, procrastination is a major vice of mine. What can I say, I like my books and podcasts and webcomics and assorted other distractions. But I guess overcoming those kinds of personal faults is part of what the Great Work is all about, right? Becoming a more effective person. A clearer lens for the Living Light.

And the truth is that most of the practices listed above are fairly short, or can be condensed into a more rapid and streamlined form. Often they have to be; my day job, for example, doesn't really have a private space where I can shut myself away to verbally chant the Litany of Prosperity. Plus the Invocation of the Divine and the Pillar exercise (and maybe the Spheres too) can be incorporated into manifestation-oriented Workings or spirit conjurations. There are ways to fit this stuff into my life.

After all, the ultimate goal is total integration. Spirit and matter are one, so ultimately it's folly to treat the magical and the mundane as separate and distinct. Every aspect of one's existence should be treated as the spontaneous and beautiful unfolding of Divinity that it truly is. Day-to-day life is the sorcerer's playground, and his task is to bring Heaven to Earth.

But of course, that takes Work.

*The four Litanies are rites given out in Jason's Strategic Sorcery course. You start by aligning yourself with the flow of Universal Consciousness along several different axes, then you channel that flow into a particular intention: healing and offerings in the morning, wealth and opportunity in the middle of the day, enchantment and persuasion in the evening, and the destruction of inner and outer obstacles at night.

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